This sounded like so much fun to me! I thought: "what could be more fun than zapping everything in the store we want for our house?!" WOW...I didn't realize I had to pick out the colors for every room of the house all at once, before I even move in! I didn't realize that picking out dishes and silverware could take SO much thought! I didn't realize things as simple as salt and pepper shakers could be difficult! Who knew the color of towels could send me into a mild panic attack?!
As I began to realize how much registering stresses me out, I also became very aware of how thankful I am to have Chad. He's actually quite helpful in picking things out/giving his opinion. However, he makes me laugh when he tries to read my expressions and then attempts to pick the item he thinks I'm leaning towards...just to make me happy. Chad often reminds me that I don't have to get it all done in one day, and that I can always add and remove things in the upcoming months. No, we aren't perfect, and we've had our share of disagreements (aka: arguments) right in the middle of the store! Thankfully, I think we have put in our long hours at Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and now it's just a matter of adding things as we think of them. So next time I hear someone talk about how excited they are to register for their wedding, I'll just smile and say "Have fun!" and not mention all the stress that comes with it...they can figure that out on their own!
***I started reading a book that was given to us as a gift from our friends Derk and Bethany. It's called "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas. Although I'm only a few chapters in, I have loved every part of it.
"We need to remind ourselves of the ridiculousness of looking for something from other humans that only God can provide." Gary goes on to say, that many times, dissatisfaction in marriages comes from expecting too much from each other... when really, God is the only one that can give us what our hearts truly desire.